There’s so much to love about colder weather. Soft sweaters, crisp air, hot chocolate, and cozying up to a warm fireplace. With all of these beautiful aspects, though, comes one caveat: dry skin.
To help you stay hydrated from the inside out, we’re happy to present our tips for keeping your skin soft during harsh weather:
1. Drink up! (Water, that is)
We know we should drink more water, but do you have to walk around with a jug all day? Not unless you want to. An easy way to gauge how much water you need is to divide your weight by half and consume that amount in ounces. For example, a 140-pound person needs at least 70 ounces of water per day. Plus, you can log your intake on trackers such as Fitbit to ensure you’re achieving your water goals. Bottoms up!
2. Add moisture with a humidifier
Chilly temps zap moisture from the air, so add it back by running a humidifier. In fact, a desktop humidifier can help while you’re working from home or on the go. For example, this adorable cactus-shaped humidifier has recently become a favorite in the Rickards
household. (This isn’t an ad. Hannah is just very proud of her recent Amazon purchase.)
3. Moisturize often, taking extra care of hands
We’re already washing our hands more frequently, so dry skin may already be an issue. That’s why we recommend switching to a thicker lotion during the winter months and using it immediately after hand washing each time. If skin remains dry around your nails, cuticle oils may help, too.
4. Take lukewarm baths and showers instead of hot ones
We know this one isn’t easy. The idea of a hot bath on a cold day sounds absolutely euphoric. However, hot water dries skin quickly, so it’s best to bathe in lukewarm temperatures and limit your time in the water. Added tip: pat your skin dry with a towel instead of wiping off.
5. Add moisturizing products to your regimen
‘Tis the season to add a step or two to your skincare routine. Firstly, avoid harsh cleansers and treatments. Secondly, consider adding a serum and heavier face cream to your daily lineup. For additional softness, pamper yourself with weekly mask treatments.
6. Turn down the heat
Same idea as hot baths and showers, we love cranking the heat, too. However, to keep moisture in the air and your skin, we recommend leaving the thermostat at a moderate temperature. Plus, this gives you a great excuse to rock hoodies and fleece-lined leggings while curling up in a blanket.
7. Apply sunscreen daily
Even if your DNA isn’t 76% British (Thanks, 23andMe), wearing daily SPF is a great idea for long-term skin health. Sunscreen not only adds and retains moisture, but also prevents sunburns while you’re hitting the slopes.
8. Wash clothes using gentle detergent
As much as we love our Spring Mountain Fresh-scented detergent, the added ingredients are known to cause irritation. Comfort your skin by changing to gentler dye- and fragrance-free formulas.
9. Add healthy fats to your diet
Here’s another reason to love avocado toast! Healthy fats, such as oils, nuts, and avocado help keep your skin moisturized from the inside out. Go ahead and help yourself to a slice (or two).
10. Limit alcohol and drink water between alcoholic beverages
This advice stands during any season, but especially in winter. Alcohol is a diuretic, so limiting intake and eating before drinking will help. We’re not here to ruin the fun (plus, we aren’t about to turn down spiked cider), so keep the good times rolling by consuming water between each beverage. Drinking electrolyte-infused water or sports drinks will rehydrate you faster than plain water, too. Enjoying holiday nog while keeping your skin’s radiance? Now that’s a party.
We hope these tips help you maintain soft skin all winter long! We can’t wait to see your glow during your next Avanti Pilates session.
